The King of Cups card represents emotional control and love. This King is also very generous.

Element: Fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius).
The King of Cups has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
The table below shows a brief summary of interpretations, followed by more in-depth analysis of the card in both positions below.
Upright | Reversed |
Love. Emotional control. Generosity. Control of feelings and impulses. Healthy balance of emotions. Generous with love. | Someone who has become out of touch with their emotions. Emotionally manipulative. Using emotions to control someone. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
This card is all about the expression of love.
The King of Cups is very generous with his love but he is also very capable of controlling his emotions.
King of Cups Number Meaning
In Tarot, Kings are associated with the number 14. In numerology, this can reduce to 5 (1+4=5).
Number 14 Meaning
Depending on the reading, the meaning of the number 14 may be significant for many reasons such as dates, times, or it can point back to the Temperance card (IV).
Number 5 Meaning
Like other odd numbers, the number 5 is a masculine number.
The meaning of the number 5 represents conflict or drama, discord, struggle, and challenges. A less negative meaning of the number 5 refer to a challenge or division of some kind.
In a tarot reading, the number 5 can confirmation or point back to the Hierophant card (V).
King of Cups Description
The King of Cups card depicts a regal King holding a single golden cup in one hand, sitting atop his throne.
He wears a fish amulet around his neck.
His expression is content, soft and understanding but straight forward.
Behind his throne is the ocean.