The Magician Card is number one in the Major Arcana cards (it's the second, only because the preceding card, The Fool is numbered 0) in the tarot deck. This card represents Manifestation.
In tarot, The Magician card is the number one card in the Major Arcana, second to The Fool (number 0).
Element: Air (Gemini).
Planet: Mercury.
The Magician card is a powerful manifestation card.
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Manifesting. Making things happen. Creating an outcome. Skill and power. | Illusions. Not mastering power. Manipulations. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
The Magician Card Description
The Magician card is a tarot card tied to extremely powerful manifesting, as depicted by the powerful imagery on the card.
On the card, stands The Magician with a wand in his right hand pointing to the sky, and his left hand pointing to the ground. This references the "As Above, So Below".
The infinity symbol is above his head.
He stands in front of his altar, which on it sets 4 tools, representing all four directions and all four suits in Tarot.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, be aware of the overall energy of the surrounding cards to interpret it.