The Justice Card is number 11 in the Major Arcana cards in tarot, and this tarot card represents balance at the spiritual level.

In tarot, Justice is the thirteenth card in the Major Arcana.
Traditionally, in old school tarot, the Justice card was the eighth card, and the Strength card was the eleventh card, however the popular Rider Waite tarot deck switched the position of these cards in order to make them a better astrological fit.
Element: Air (Libra)
Planet: Venus
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Justice. Accountability. Balance. Legality. | Injustice, corruption, unfairness. Lack of accountability. |
(Yes/No?): Yes or No (Inconclusive) | (Yes/No?): Yes or No (Inconclusive) |
The Justice card talks about balance, and more so on the spiritual and soul level as opposed to the physical world level, although it can be either.
It can also talk about reaching a fair exchange.
The Justice Card Description
The Death card in tarot, depicts Justice sitting upon her throne.
In one hand she holds a sword, lending to the element of Air, and in the other hand she holds a pair of scales.
The scales represent equality and balance.
Justice faces directly forward, looking at the reader, and whoever faces her is subject to mercy or punishment.
The scales will weigh the truth and what is right balance.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, be aware of the overall energy of the surrounding cards to interpret it.