In tarot, the Nine of Cups card represents bliss and wish fulfilment. This card is associated with ultimate joy and desires coming true.

The Nine of Cups card is a very positive card, resembling love, bliss and the fulfilment of desire.
Element: Water (Pisces).
Planet: Jupiter
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Wish fulfilment. Happiness, bliss. Ultimate joy. Dreams coming true. | Something is missing. Dissatisfaction. Unhappiness. Lack of fulfilment. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
The Nine of Cups indicates a great sense of emotional achievement and overall happiness in life.
It's an extremely positive card.
Meaning of the Number 9
Numbers have various associations in numerology.
The number nine correlates with wishes and fulfillments.
Like other odd numbers, the number 9 is considered to be a masculine number.
Nines are a sign of manifestations about to come to fruition, whether good or bad; positive or negative.
Nine of Cups Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck, The Nine of Cups card depicts a man sitting on a stool with nine cups over his head.
He appears very happy, as the expression on his face looks satisfied and content.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, be aware of the overall energy, as well as the surrounding cards to interpret this complex card.