The Queen Of Swords in Tarot represents a person of high intellect, who is very sharp and laser focused. She has the ability to absorb knowledge and cannot be fooled.

The Queen of Wands is confident, knows what she thinks is correct and is not swayed from her position.
Element: Air (Libra).
This card can represent a man or a woman; it's more about the energy that it represents.
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Intellectual. Not showing emotion. Making decisions based on facts and information rather than off emotion. | Complete lack of emotion. Manipulative. Harsh. Bitter or unforgiving. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
All the Queens in tarot share certain characteristics, but in their individual ways.
They all traditionally embody stature, grace, and advocate for peace. They serve to be examples within their realm.
The Queen of Swords as a Person
The Queen of Swords energy represents an individual who is highly, highly perceptive.
This person makes decisions based on information, and not emotions.
This person can come off stern, but always decisive.
As a person, the Queen of Swords is never confused.
The Queen of Swords as Feelings
The Queen of Swords lacks emotions, therefore feelings are mute when it comes to the Queen of Swords as feelings.
In the aspect of "feelings" the Queen of Swords does not identify with using feelings to make decisions or anything else.
Queen of Swords Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck, the Queen of Swords depicts a proud queen sitting atop her throne.
She is facing directly to the right, looking straight.
She is holding a sword in her right hand and it points straight up to the sky.
Her throne is positioned in the clouds, which are pictured in the background, along with a single bird in the distance, indicating her position as Queen of the Air signs.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, pay attention to whom the Queen is facing and who her back is turned to. As in, the cards next to and surrounding this Queen card.