The meaning of the Six of Swords card in tarot represents moving forward to calmer waters, or a better environment. It usually indicates leaving something behind for something better.
Six of Swords (Upright)
The Six of Swords typically represents a journey away from difficulties and challenges towards calmer waters and smoother sailing. It symbolizes transition, leaving behind troubled times or conflict-ridden situations in search of peace, healing, and a better future.
The card often suggests moving on from emotional baggage, finding closure, and embarking on a journey of personal growth and renewal.
While the path ahead may not be entirely smooth, the Six of Swords offers hope, guidance, and the promise of brighter days ahead.
Six of Swords (Reversed)
The Six of Swords reversed suggests a reluctance or resistance to move on from challenging circumstances or to fully embrace the journey of healing and transition. It may indicate lingering feelings of fear, doubt, or uncertainty about leaving the past behind and venturing into unknown territory.
There could be a sense of being stuck in a rut or unable to let go of emotional baggage, preventing progress and growth.
Alternatively, it may warn against rushing into a transition without proper preparation or reflection, leading to setbacks or unforeseen obstacles along the way.
Overall, the reversed Six of Swords urges caution, patience, and careful consideration before embarking on a journey or making significant changes in your life.
Six of Swords as Feelings
When the Six of Swords represents feelings in a tarot reading, it often indicates a sense of relief, hope, and optimism. The individual may be experiencing a desire to move away from difficult or challenging emotions and situations towards calmer waters.
There could be a feeling of lightness or liberation as they let go of burdens and embrace the prospect of healing and renewal.
This card suggests a transition from turmoil to tranquility, fostering feelings of peace, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose.
It signifies a positive shift in emotional state, signaling a journey towards brighter days ahead. It's positive.
Six of Swords as Feelings (Reversed)
When the Six of Swords appears reversed to represent feelings in a tarot reading, it suggests a reluctance or resistance to move on from difficult emotions or situations. The individual may be experiencing a sense of unease, fear, or anxiety about leaving behind familiar but challenging circumstances.
There could be a tendency to hold onto past hurts or grievances, hindering emotional healing and growth. The reversed Six of Swords may also indicate feelings of being stuck or unable to find a way forward, leading to frustration or stagnation.
This card, in terms of feelings, (in reverse) suggests a need to address and process unresolved emotions in order to move towards a more positive and peaceful state of being.
Six of Swords as a Person
The Six of Swords as a person typically represents someone who is going through a period of transition or moving away from challenging circumstances towards a more stable and peaceful state.
This individual may be someone who seeks to leave behind emotional baggage, conflicts, or difficult situations in search of healing and renewal. They are likely to be pragmatic, resilient, and forward-thinking, able to navigate through turbulent times with a sense of calmness and perspective.
This person may also serve as a supportive guide or mentor for others who are going through similar transitions, offering wisdom, encouragement, and reassurance along the way.
The Six of Swords card (as a person) embodies qualities of resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change for the sake of personal growth and well-being.
Six of Swords as a Person (Reversed)
When the Six of Swords appears reversed to represent a person in a tarot reading, it suggests an individual who is resistant to change or hesitant to leave behind challenging circumstances.
This person may struggle with letting go of past hurts, fears, or regrets, preventing them from moving forward towards healing and growth. They might be prone to dwelling on negative experiences or clinging to familiar but unhealthy patterns, hindering their progress and emotional well-being.
Additionally, this person may resist seeking help or guidance, preferring to handle their challenges on their own, even if it means prolonging their suffering.
Overall, the reversed Six of Swords as a person embodies qualities of stubbornness, reluctance, and a fear of the unknown, highlighting the need for self-reflection and openness to new possibilities.
Six of Swords Sign
In tarot, the Six of Swords does not directly correspond to a specific astrological sign.
However, if you're looking for astrological associations that resonate with the themes of the Six of Swords, you might consider signs that emphasize adaptability, resilience, and a desire for peace and stability. Air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius may resonate with the card's emphasis on intellect, communication, and mental clarity.
Numerology for Six of Swords
In numerology, the Six of Swords corresponds to the number 6. The number 6 embodies themes of harmony, balance, and resolution. When applied to the Six of Swords, this number suggests the idea of finding peace and stability after a period of turmoil or difficulty. It signifies a journey towards smoother sailing and calmer waters, where conflicts are resolved, and equilibrium is restored.
Additionally, the number 6 in numerology is associated with nurturing, compassion, and healing. It suggests that the journey depicted in the Six of Swords involves emotional healing and renewal, as individuals move away from challenging situations towards a more peaceful and harmonious state.
Overall, the numerological significance of the number 6 underscores the themes of transition, healing, and balance represented by the Six of Swords in tarot. It encourages individuals to seek resolution, find inner peace, and embrace the process of growth and transformation.
Season for Six of Swords
The Six of Swords doesn't have a specific season traditionally associated with it in tarot interpretations.
Six of Swords Illustration Description
In the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, the illustration of the Six of Swords depicts a small boat being guided across calm waters by a cloaked figure. The boat carries a woman and a child, symbolizing a family or companions on a journey. The figure at the helm of the boat represents guidance and protection, guiding the passengers towards a new destination.
The water is serene, indicating a sense of tranquility and calm after a period of turmoil or difficulty. In the distance, there are six swords standing upright in the boat, symbolizing the challenges or conflicts that have been left behind.
These swords are not threatening; instead, they suggest that the journey has allowed the passengers to move beyond these obstacles.
Traditionally, the illustration of the Six of Swords evokes a sense of relief, hope, and optimism as the travelers leave behind troubled waters and embark on a journey towards a brighter future.
There are many different versions of this card in many different decks today, so always pay close attention to the imagery when interpreting the card.
As always, take what resonates and do not try to force what does not resonate to fit.
Most importantly, always use your own intuition. Tarot is meant to empower you and confirm your intuition.