When the Ten of Pentacles represents an individual, it is describing the Earth energy of this person, pertaining to their upmost stability, Earthy comforts, and ability to provide these things.

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Ten of Pentacles as a Person (Upright)
- Ultimate stability. The Ten of Pentacles as a person is someone who resembles the most upright stability. It cannot be understated how comfortable this individual is in their day to day life.
- Wealthy. As a person, the Ten of Pentacles represents someone who is wealthy, or otherwise, financially well-off.
- Family-Oriented. This person's family is important to them. The long-term success of those they are related to and their descendants are incredibly important.
- Successful. This person has either achieved a high level of success, or their long term success is of the upmost importance. Their physical surroundings and level of comfort are of the highest value and they do not compromise in that department.
Ten of Pentacles as a Person (Reversed)
- Family instability. While pentacles are often associated with money, their meaning is much broader. The reversed 10 of Pentacles can indicate someone who lacks stability in their family life. Perhaps even familial insecurity.
- Short term stability. The reversed 10 of Pentacles can indicate a short term gain in success in terms of family, stability, or finances.
Tips in a Reading
As a person, the 10 of Pentacles needs to be closely evaluated in context with the cards next to it.
The reason for this is that pentacles are closely related to family, finance, and long term success. Some people make the mistake of assuming pentacles are always only about money.
The abundance of the 10 of Pentacles encompasses many Earthly forms, and in terms of a person, this card is highly dependent on the reading.
Either way, remember that this card is stability. Earthly stability.
As a person, this card is referring to that specific person's stability in whatever form.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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