The Empress card in tarot is divine feminine energy. She represents feminine power, fertility, self love, mothering, and nurturing energy of the highest form.

Element: Earth (Taurus)
Planet: Venus
The Empress card is a powerful card representing divine female power and fertility of all sources.
It is the epitome of feminine energy.
It is nurturing, self loving, and life giving.
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
The table below shows a brief summary of interpretations, followed by more in-depth analysis of the card in both positions below.
Upright | Reversed |
Deeply loving. Nurturing. Committed. Divine Feminine energy. | Lack of embracing feminine qualities (both male and female). |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
The Empress card is number three in the Major Arcana.
Number 3 Meaning
The number three, in numerology is about expansion, development and stability.
It is also representative of strong foundations and cooperation or collaboration.
The Empress Card Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck The Empress card is a beautiful and powerful card.
On it, the beautiful woman sits on a throne with a heart shaped shield at her side.
In her hand she holds a scepter, and she wears a luxurious gown covered in pomegranates.