The Sun card is number 19 in the Major Arcana cards in tarot, and represents pure positivity and happiness. The Sun is referred to as "the happiest card in the deck".

In tarot, The Sun card is the nineteenth card in the Major Arcana.
Element: Fire (Leo)
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Happiness. Sweetness. Reassurance, belonging. Success, well being. Encouragement. Confidence. Optimism. | Pessimism. Unrealistic expectations. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
The Sun card is the happiest card in the entire tarot deck.
The Sun talks about play, sweetness, well being, and reassurance.
It's about warmth and wholeness.
Sometimes this can talk about enlightenment.
The Sun Card Description
The Sun card in tarot, depicts first of all, high in the sky a face on a shining sun.
The sun shines on a child playing in it's warmth and light.
The child has a little horse, and is surrounded by live and beautiful sunflowers and a cascading ribbon.
The child wears a crown of flowers, it's arms and legs outstretched, with an expression of joy and peace on it's face.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, be aware of the overall energy of the surrounding cards to interpret it.