The World card is card 21 of the 22 Major Arcana cards, and represents an ending of a cycle, and therefore the beginning of another.

The World cards four corners display the four fixed signs: Taurus (the calf), Leo (the lion), Aquarius (the man or angel), and Scorpio (the eagle).
It is ruled by Saturn.
The World has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Cycles, completions, perfection, distance, a long journey. | Being stuck, desiring to leave a place or situation. |
(Yes/No?): Maybe | (Yes/No?): Yes |
In addition to endings and beginnings of cycles, the World can also indicate a long journey or distance.
This card is about success and completion, and becoming part of a whole. Milestones have been achieved or about to be achieved when this card is pulled.
In addition to beginnings of cycles, this card can imply endings as well.
It talks about the Universe, rebirth and travel or distance.
The World Card Number Meaning
In Tarot, the World card is numbered 21 out of the twenty two major arcana cards. The number 21 reduces to 3 in numerology (2+1=3).
Number 3 Meaning
The number 3 correlates with the ideas of expansion and sometimes stability.
Since three is the product of one and two coming together, it is symbolic of new growth and development.
The World Rider Waite Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck, The World card illustrates a dancing naked woman, holding wands in her left and right hands, and standing on her right foot, in the center of a giant garland of laurel leaves.
A long scarf is strategically wrapped around the being.
Above the woman's head are a man in the left corner, representing the fixed sign Aquarius, and an eagle in the upper right corner, representing the sign Scorpio.
Below her in the left corner is the calf, representing Taurus, and in the lower right, the lion which represents Leo.
All four of these fixed signs represent the classical four elements in harmony with one another.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, it could be helpful to notice what card is directly to the left of The World, as the figure in this card is looking towards to the left.