The Queen Of Pentacles card in Tarot is the Queen of Earth energy. This Queen resembles nature and abundance.

The Queen of Pentacles is connected to nature on Earth as well as Earthly abundance.
Element: Earth (Virgo).
This card can represent a man or a woman; it's more about the energy that it represents.
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
Upright | Reversed |
Real world stability. Order in the home. Comfort. Luxury. | Selfishness, greed. Insecurity. Materialistic, self-absorbed. Envious. |
(Yes/No?): Yes | (Yes/No?): No |
All the Queens in tarot share certain characteristics, but in their individual ways.
They all traditionally embody stature, grace, and advocate for peace. They serve to be examples within their realm.
The Queen of Pentacles as a Person
The Queen of Pentacles energy represents an individual who is very competent when it comes to providing stability and security.
This person can be very good with managing their money.
As a person, the Queen of Pentacles is generous and wise.
They are practical when it comes to making decisions.
The Queen of Pentacles as Feelings
The Queen of Pentacles represents feelings that are dedicated and can be trusted.
These feelings are generally very steady and grounded.
Queen of Pentacles Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck, the Queen of Pentacles depicts a luxurious Queen sitting on her throne.
She holds a single, large pentacle in her lap.
She wears a long, luxurious robe, and is surrounded by flowers, plants, vegetation and wildlife.
Because there is a rabbit at her side, this can be interpreted as a sign of her fertility and high energy.
Tip in a reading: When pulling this card, pay attention to whom the Queen is facing and who her back is turned to. As in, the cards next to and surrounding this Queen card.