The Seven of Cups card in tarot resembles choices, options and contemplating thoughts, and said choices and options.

Element: Water (Scorpio)
Planet: Pluto
The Seven of Cups card is a card about choices, and contemplating options.
It can also resemble wishful thinking.
This card has different meanings when interpreted upright as it does reversed (upside down, not the same as face down).
The table below shows a brief summary of interpretations, followed by more in-depth analysis of the card in both positions below.
Upright | Reversed |
Options, choices. | Illusions. Temptations. |
(Yes/No?): Maybe | (Yes/No?): Maybe |
Number 7 Meaning
The number 7, in numerology, is significant, as all numbers are.
The number seven correlates with improvements via luck, opportunities or faith.
This number can assure us that improvements in situations are right around the corner.
Turning points, possibilities and opportunities are knocking.
The 7 of Cups Card Description
In the original Rider-Waite tarot deck the Seven of Cups card has an illustration that shows a person with his back towards the viewer viewing the card.
He is looking at seven cups, each with different objects floating out of them.
Perhaps he is contemplating his options, perhaps he is in awe at how many options he has.
The overall energy of the illustration is options and choices.