When the Three of Swords represents a person in a tarot reading, it typically portrays the Air energy of someone who is experiencing pain, heartbreak, or emotional turmoil.

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Three of Swords as a Person (Upright)
- A heartbroken person. Someone who is experiencing heartache, sorrow, or emotional pain.
- Grief and loss. This person may have recently gone through a breakup, loss, or betrayal, and they are struggling to cope with their feelings of grief and sadness.
- Rejection. A person experiencing betrayal, hurt, and discouragement.
- Third party. Sometimes, the 3 of Swords can represent a third party individual to romantic relationship (such as an affair or cheating).
Three of Swords as a Person (Reversed)
Reversed, the Three of Swords as a person in a tarot reading suggests someone who is gradually healing from past emotional wounds or traumas.
- Overcoming heartbreak. This person may be in the process of overcoming heartbreak, betrayal, or loss, and they are starting to regain their emotional strength and resilience.
- Letting go of past hurts. They may be working on forgiveness, letting go of resentment.
- Closure. They may be finding closure from past hurts.
Tips in a Reading
Pay attention to the surrounding cards to determine who this individual might represent.
Although the 3 of Swords is arguably one of the most painful cards in the deck, it's important to remember that with pain comes transformation and new beginnings.
Be aware of whether this card resembles general heartache or third party interference. This is also due to not just the card, but the number 3.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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