"Reading reversals", as it's referred to in tarot, is a personal choice. There is no right or wrong method, and it is totally up to the reader (You).
What Does a Tarot Card in Reverse Mean?
In tarot, a card is considered "in reverse" when it appears upside down or in a reversed position during a reading. This means that the card's imagery and symbolism are inverted compared to its upright orientation.
In traditional tarot interpretations, reversed cards often suggest blockages, delays, or challenges associated with the energy of the card.
However, the interpretation of reversed cards can vary depending on the reader's intuition, the context of the reading, and the specific meanings associated with each card in the tarot deck.
You really need to get into the feel of the reading, how is it making you feel, and pay attention to the imagery of the card and the surrounding cards.
You will need to determine your shuffling technique as well, because this affects reversals.
For example, some readers intuitively choose to not typically mess around with reversals so they shuffle in a way that makes the cards automatically upright.
That being said, if one does happen to "accidentally" come out in reverse and it's a rarity and they feel guided not to ignore it, they will actually take the card in reverse and interpret it in the reversed position.
Other readers will shuffle the cards in the way they see fit and let them land as they may, and read them as they land.
There are many ways to do this, and by playing with the cards, and meditating on what feels right to you, you will decide this on your own.
As a note, I have some decks that I shuffle some ways and others another. And only some of the times do I take reversals. But that's just me.
Spend some time with the cards and decide what feels right for you.
There is no wrong way to read tarot on yourself.
Love and blessings.
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