As feelings, the Ace of Wands card represents feelings of passion ignited, this is the epitome of Fire Energy, (be they positive or negative). These can often be new feelings that lead to a passionate, new beginning or renewal. It typically signifies a burst of passionate and enthusiastic emotions.

Ace of Wands as Feelings (Upright)
- Deep feelings of desire. This card represents deep feelings of desire and passion, usually a new passion.
- Activated feelings for someone or something. These could be feelings of love and desire for or a new project that bring about a whole new beginning.
- Excitement. This card represents new feelings of inspiration that cause a person to feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm and excitement.
- Motivation. When the Ace of Wands feelings are present, there is an experience of a burning desire to pursue a brand new opportunity or embark on a creative endeavor.
Ace of Wands as Feelings (Reversed)
When the Ace of Wands appears reversed to represent feelings in a tarot reading, it often suggests a suppression or blockage of passion, creativity, or motivation.
- Lack of enthusiasm. Someone may be experiencing a lack of energy or drive in their emotion.
- Lack of inspiration. They may feeling uninspired or experiencing disinterest in new pursuits, opportunities or creative endeavors.
- Stagnation. This card indicates a stagnation or inhibition of the fiery energy associated with the Ace of Wands upright. There may be a sense of frustration or feeling stuck in emotional expression, unable to ignite the spark of passion or excitement.
Tips In a Reading
Pay attention to the surrounding cards to understand how the Ace of Wands interacts with them.
Keep in mind that the upmost passionate feelings could not be represented more intensely but the Ace of Wands.
Wands represent creativity and are the most daring suit in the deck of cards.
Remember that this is a very brave suit.
The feelings that are represented by the suit of Wands, the Ace of Wands in particular, is not a timid feeling.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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