As feelings, the Five of Wands card represents feeling conflicted. Although Wands are Fire energy they can still represent that a person is experiencing or has experienced active turmoil and conflict.

Five of Wands as Feelings (Upright)
-Conflict. These feelings may feel driven by a desire to prove something or excel in a particular area of one's life.
-Competition. As feelings, this card in the upright could indicate a sense of competitiveness or agitation. Someone could be experiencing inner tension or external challenges, leading to feelings of restlessness or frustration.
Five of Wands as Feelings (Reversed)

-Resolution or decreased of conflict. When the Five of Wands appears reversed as feelings in a tarot reading, it suggests a decrease in conflict or competition. The individual may be experiencing a sense of relief or a reduction in tension compared to previous feelings of agitation or discord. They might be letting go of the need to prove themselves or engage in power struggles, opting instead for peace and cooperation.
Tips in a Reading
When conducting a tarot reading either on yourself or another, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Encourage the individual (or yourself, if reading for yourself) to remain open to constructive conflict resolution and to address any lingering issues in a healthy and proactive manner.
Encourage them/yourself to acknowledge and address these feelings constructively, whether by seeking support, finding healthy outlets for their energy, or working towards conflict resolution.
Before beginning the reading, take a moment to set your intention. Focus on what you hope to gain from the reading and ask for guidance from the cards.
Clear your mind. Ensure that you're in a calm and focused state of mind before starting the reading. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear any distractions.
Shuffle the cards. Shuffle the tarot deck thoroughly while concentrating on your question or intention. Trust your intuition when deciding to stop shuffling and draw the cards.
Focus on the question. Keep your question or intention in mind as you draw the cards. The more specific and focused your question, the clearer the guidance from the cards will be.
Pay attention to card imagery. This is so important. Different images will catch your eye during different readings. Take note of the symbols, colors, and imagery on each card. These details can provide valuable insights into the card's meaning and how it applies to your question.
Consider card positions. If using a spread, pay attention to the position of each card within the spread. The position can influence the card's interpretation and provide additional context.
Trust Your intuition. While it's essential to understand the traditional meanings of the cards, trust your intuition when interpreting them. Your intuition will guide you to the messages that are most relevant to your situation.
Reflect and journal, if you have done this reading on yourself. After the reading, take some time to reflect on the messages of the cards and how they apply to your life. Consider journaling about your insights and any actions you plan to take based on the reading.
By following these tips, you can conduct a more insightful and meaningful tarot reading that provides valuable guidance and clarity.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings!
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