The Magician describes a powerful, skilled, magical individual who is in control of their manifestations. This person is a master of their own focus.

The Magician as a Person (Upright)
Talent and Power. As a person, the Magician makes the most of his abilities, and capitalizes on his/her own strengths.
Knowledgeable. The Magician knows he has everything necessary to manifest whatever he desires.
The Magician as a Person (Reversed)
When the Magician is representing a person, but presents in the reversed position, we must interpret this card differently than in the upright position.
How to interpret the Magician as a person, in the reversed position, is explained below.
Missed opportunities. When reversed, the Magician represents a person who is missing out on their own opportunities for expansion or growth.
If this card represents you, be careful not to miss opportunities that are coming your way.
Self doubt. This person allows self doubt to prevent them from seizing the moment.
Manipulation. Frightening, but true. When the Magician appears in the reversed position, representing a person, it could indicate someone who is manipulative or strategically cunning.
Deceit. The reversed Magician can resemble a deceitful, perhaps even greedy person.
Tips in a Reading
The Magician card is about Manifesting. "As above, so below".
As a person, the Magician represents a master manifester, someone in tune with their craft.
The Magician as a person, is all about someone's ability to master their environment and create their own reality.
It is about one's ability to perceive outer circumstances, and create what they desire.
This person isn't discouraged by other's lack of ability to see potential, because they know they can make their vision a reality.
Someone who is determined without doubting himself. The Magician never second-guesses himself. He knows his ability to create.
A person who is a leader, an entrepreneur, trendsetter, and influencers.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings!
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