The Page of Pentacles describes a student or someone who seeks knowledge in their Earthly endeavors, which is why it's depicted by Earth energy. They are loyal, diligent and studious.

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Page of Pentacles as a Person (Upright)
- A student. As a person, this card can literally represent a student, or a young learning person. If not a student, it could represent someone who seeks knowledge.
- Trustworthy and dependable. The Page of Pentacles as a person signifies someone who is grounded, and therefore trustworthy and dependable, someone whom you can count on.
- Diligent. The Page of Pentacles person embodies the positive and diligent qualities associated with learning, practicality, and responsible growth.
Page of Pentacles as a Person (Reversed)
When the Page of Pentacles appears in the reversed position, there may be a lack of direction or focus. See the reversed meanings below.
- Irresponsible behavior. When the reversed Page of Pentacles is present, it could indicate that someone is not taking things seriously and may be unreliable. They could be flaky and not follow through with the tasks at hand.
- Over eagerness and immaturity. Sometimes, this reversed card could resemble impatience, immaturity and over eagerness. They want quick results without putting in the necessary ground work or effort.
Tips in a Reading
Regardless of upright or reversed positions, all pages are talking about immature energy. This isn't always negative when we say immature, (although many times it is).
Immature could very well simply imply a small effort or beginning stages.
When interpreting the Page of Pentacles as a person, pay attention to the surrounding cards to determine the full scope of the meaning.
Pay attention to the nuances between genuine eagerness to learn vs impatience and wanting a quick fix.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings!
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