The Queen of Wands is the most attractive queen in the deck. Her Fire energy represents an extremely alluring, charismatic individual who is led by their passion.

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Queen of Wands as a Person (Upright)
-The most beautiful Queen in the deck. This person is naturally beautiful, inside and out, alluring, charismatic and attractive in every way.
-A leader with feminine energy. This person has an ability to be a leader, utilizing warm and captivating feminine energy to do so.
-Strong but soft underneath. Despite this person's strong exterior, they are also deeply empathetic and caring.
-Strong beliefs. They possess a strong zest for life. They approach challenges with optimism and resilience. They believe in the power of possibility.
-Protective. While independent in nature, this person is also nurturing and fiercely protective of their loved ones.
-Influential. This person is so dynamic and has such unwavering confidence, that they inspire and influence everyone who comes around them.
The Queen of Wands as a Person (Reversed)
If the Queen of Wands (Fire) appears in the reversed position, this could represent a person who is experiencing a lack of confidence.
-Unsure of themselves. This person may be struggling to tap into their own leadership qualities or natural charisma. In other words, they're insecure.
-Controlling. Often times, a reversed Queen of Wands resembles someone who is overly controlling and manipulative in order to control others for their own gain.
Tips in a Reading
The Queen of Wands is the counterpart to the King of Wands. This is feminine energy, but we all possess both masculine and feminine energies. It has nothing to do with gender. In other words, the person can be male or female; it's about the energy.
Look for signs of someone who exudes charm and inspires others with their presence.
Be mindful of signs indicating a loss of confidence or an imbalance in power dynamics.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings.
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