When the Six of Swords represents a person in a tarot reading, it typically embodies the Air energy of an individual who is undergoing a journey of transition, healing, or moving forward from a difficult situation.

Six of Swords as a Person (Upright)
- Heading towards better or calmer waters. As a person, this card represents someone who is in transition and seeking to leave behind a difficult or challenging situation in search for calmer waters and a better situation.
- Healing. They may be someone who is undergoing a period of healing, moving away from troubled times towards a more peaceful and stable phase in their life.
- Leaving behind. Someone is leaving someone, something, or a situation behind them.
- Mind over heart. They are making a decision to move forward out of their rational mind over making a decision from their heart.
- Transition. There is transition being made by this person, but the situation they are leaving was not happy for them and they have regret over it.
Six of Swords as a Person (Reversed)
When the Six of Swords appears in reverse as a person in a tarot reading, it may indicate someone who is resistant to change or hesitant to leave behind past troubles.
- Stagnation. This person may be stuck in a state of stagnation, unable or unwilling to move forward from difficult situations or emotional baggage.
- Mental struggle. They may struggle to let go of old wounds or negative patterns, causing them to feel trapped or overwhelmed by their circumstances.
Tips in a Reading
Swords are all about the mental space.
Consider the person's (or your own, if reading for yourself) emotional state based on the overall energy of the spread.
Look for cards that suggest practical steps that can be taken to ease the journey forward and overcome obstacles that may encountered along the way.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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