As a person, the Emperor describes an individual who is highly structured and orderly. His head is adorned with rams, representing his astrological sign, Aries. He carries a scepter, representing his right to rule the kingdom he watches over.

The Emperor as a Person (upright)
Boss. As a person, the Emperor could resemble quite literally, a boss, or someone in a position of authority over others.
Father figure. The Emperor card can represent someone who is a father or father figure. This card is associated with masculine energy.
Stoic. This card often represents a stoic individual who is very orderly and serious.
A wealthy older man. As a person, the Emperor can represent an older man who is good in business and usually wealthy.
The Emperor as a Person (reversed)
As a person, the reversed Emperor could represent someone who is abusing their power.
Bully. As a person, the reversed Emperor could represent a bully, who makes others feel powerless or even rebellious.
Their authoritarianism isn't necessarily intentional. While they may have a tendency to use their authority, it's not always in an act of dominance. Sometimes there is a well meaning attempt of guidance behind it, but it gets lost behind their domineering behavior.
Control freak. The reversed Emperor could indicate someone who strives for so much control over another that there is a massive imbalance of power.
Tips in a Reading
While the Emperor represents masculine energy, this doesn't have to be a male, it can also indicate a female. We all have masculine and feminine energies both, no matter our gender.
The Emperor is ruled by Aries, it is his astrological sign. This is why we often see his head adorned with four rams, the symbol for Aries.
The Emperor is reserved and stoic in nature. They may have difficulty talking about their feelings or expressing love to another out loud.
Emperor energy is authoritative energy. It is serious, and does not have time for fun, but rather keeping things that surround them structured, and in order.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings!
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