As a person, the 7 of Pentacles represents a person who is a hard worker. Because pentacles are Earth energy, this person has invested themselves in hard work and are now waiting for their harvest.

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Seven of Pentacles as a Person (Upright)
- Investment. This person has invested hard work into something.
- The end of financial adversity. If this person has been putting in time and effort at their work, their efforts are about to pay off.
- Wondering if a project will bear fruit. Sometimes, as a person, the Seven of Pentacles describes someone who could be waiting to see the fruits of their labor... they could possibly be in a phase of unknown.
Seven of Pentacles as a Person (Reversed)
The reversed Seven of Pentacles as a person typically implies delays and impatience, such as the ones listed below.
- Delay in returns. The Seven of Pentacles reversed can indicate a delay in the returns of an investment, or scattered returns.
- Insubstantial benefits. Sometimes, this card reversed indicates returns that are less substantial than anticipated or hoped for.
- Impatience. Someone may be about to give up or feeling extremely impatient to see the result they wish for to manifest.
Tips in a Reading
When interpreting the 7 of Pentacles, take into account areas that may require patience, evaluation, and perseverance.
Depending on the type of reading and surrounding cards, this card can refer to both tangible and intangible things.
This card can imply that someone needs to trust the process and be patient, but this interpretation will depend on the reading and surrounding cards and the placements.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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