The Moon card in tarot is often associated with intuition, subconscious thoughts, illusions, and the exploration of the unknown.

The Moon as Feelings (Upright)
-Intuition and subconscious awareness. Emotions may be influenced by subconscious thoughts and perceptions. This also also represents a strong sense of intuition and connection to a person's inner most feelings. The Moon really, and very strongly, represents our subconscious.
-Muddled feelings. These feelings may not be quite understood even to the person themselves, and they may struggle to articulate these feeling.
-Facing fears. The Moon can also tell about times when one must face their fears, or their darkest parts of them, like the hidden qualities of a person. Because of this aspect of facing fears, it can point to repeating patterns in someone's life.
-Uncertainty. The Moon can talk about feeling "in the dark" about something. In other words, having feelings of uncertainty that make someone feel unsure. This is a feeling of not feeling like we have all the information or the full picture, feeling uncertain, unsure and perhaps even afraid.
-Ambiguity and uncertainty. The Moon card can indicate feelings of ambiguity and uncertainty. Emotions might be fluid and changeable, making it challenging to grasp their true nature.
-Spiritual and mystical connections. Feelings may be influenced by a spiritual or mystical dimension. There could be a desire to explore deeper spiritual truths or connect with the mystical aspects of existence.
The Moon as Feelings (Reversed)
When the Moon card appears reversed in a tarot reading in the context of feelings, it suggests a shift in emotional energies and a potential release of confusion or illusions.
-Hidden motivations. Sometimes The Moon can talk about being able to sense dishonest motivations of others.
-Clarity and Illumination. Emotions may become clearer, and there could be a sense of illumination or understanding. The fog of confusion may be lifting, allowing for a more realistic view of one's feelings.
-Facing Reality. Reversed, the Moon card may indicate a willingness to face reality and confront emotional truths. This could involve overcoming fears or acknowledging and addressing hidden emotions.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments below.
Love and blessings!
Tips in a Reading
No matter what, The Moon card always tells us that something is unseen, or has been in the past... perhaps coming to light.
When interpreting The Moon as someone's feelings, pay attention to the surrounding cards to determine if someone is hiding their feelings to themselves or someone else.
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