If the Five of Swords (Air energy) represented a person, they would likely embody traits of cunning, self-interest, and a willingness to manipulate situations to their advantage.
Five of Swords as a Person (Upright)
- A conflicted person. When the Five of Swords appears as a person in a tarot reading, it typically signifies someone characterized by conflict, confrontation, or discord.
- Prioritizing one's own interest. This individual may exhibit traits of assertiveness, aggression, or a competitive spirit, often prioritizing their own interests over others.
- Cunning. They might resort to manipulation or deceit to achieve their goals, displaying cunning or opportunistic behavior.
Five of Swords as a Person (Reversed)
When the Five of Swords appears reversed as a person in a tarot reading, it often indicates a shift away from conflict and confrontation, like touched on below.
- Letting go of past grievances. They could be striving to resolve conflicts through dialogue and compromise rather than resorting to manipulation or deceit. They might be trying to adopt more cooperative approaches to challenges.
- Seeking forgiveness. This person may be seeking reconciliation or forgiveness, acknowledging the importance of harmony and unity in their relationships. This is likely due to conflicts that occurred. They are seeking a more positive and constructive resolution.
Tips in a Reading
Swords represent one's intellect and mental space. These are are thoughts and our headspace.
While the Five of Swords can indicate challenging traits or behaviors, it's essential to remember that people can change and grow over time, and circumstances vary. Context, context, context!
It's not always a negative context. Be very connected to the reading for this reason, For example, someone may be in a bad situation, and their only option is active deception in order to escape it.
You must be very careful when interpreting the energy of the 5 of Swords, and the surrounding cards and type of reading are going to give you much information to support your interpretation.
That being said, yes. More often than not, this card indicates deception that is totally unjustifiable and sometimes downright nefarious.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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