When the Five of Wands represents a person in tarot, they embody qualities of competition, conflict, and struggle.
Five of Wands as a Person (Upright)
-Troubled. This person may not be troubled in general. However, at this specific moment in time, they are troubled with feelings of competition and conflict.
-Seeking resolution. Despite the fact that there is apparent upheaval and conflict, this individual wants resolution and peace. However, at the current time they don't know how to achieve that and so their instincts lead them to be combative.
-Adaptive. Because this person in is fight mode, they are adaptidive, agile and ready to do what it takes in terms of physical effort to reach a means to an end.
Five of Wands as a Person (Reversed)
When the Five of Wands as a person appears reversed, this suggests internal conflicts and a struggle with competitiveness.
-Unsure. Someone might feel unsure about their goals or values and prefer to avoid confrontation.
-Lack of motivation. This individual might lack motivation.
Tips in a Reading
Recognize that the Five of Wands often signifies conflict, competition, or challenges.
Look for areas in the querent's (or your own if reading for yourself) life where one may be encountering obstacles or facing opposition from others.
Understand that the presence of the Five of Wands suggests the involvement of multiple parties or conflicting interests.
Explore ways in which one can harness the energy of the Five of Wands to find creative solutions to one's problems.
Thinking outside the box and embracing innovative approaches helps to overcome obstacles.
Highlight the importance of teamwork and collaboration when dealing with the challenges represented by the Five of Wands.
Encourage the querent (or yourself) to seek support from others and work together towards common goals.
Remember the importance of maintaining balance and perspective amidst the chaos symbolized by the Five of Wands.
Encourage them (or yourself) to stay grounded, focus on what truly matters, and avoid getting caught up in petty arguments or power struggles.
There are many different versions of this card in many different decks today, so always pay close attention to the imagery when interpreting the card.
By incorporating these tips into your interpretation of the Five of Wands, you can provide valuable insights and guidance to the querent (or your own life) as one navigates through periods of conflict and competition in one's life.
Most importantly, always use your own intuition. Tarot is meant to empower you and confirm your intuition.
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Love, and blessings!
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