When the King of Wands represents a person in a tarot reading, it typically portrays someone who embodies the Fire-energy-like qualities of leadership, confidence, and charisma.

King of Wands as a Person (Upright)
-Leadership. The masculine counterpart to the Queen of Wands, this person is a leader and takes charge. Their leadership skills are natural.
-Influential. This person has the ability to take charge and lead others, without being bossy because they possess a warmth about them, which comes from their Fire energy.
King of Wands as a Person (Reversed)

When the King of Wands appears reversed as a person in a tarot reading, it suggests that this individual may be struggling to harness their natural leadership qualities effectively.
-Overly controlling. This person could be arrogant, manipulative and prone to dictating rather than inspiring, as opposed to the upright King of Wands.
-Insecure. Because the upright King of Wands is totally secure, the reverse position can indicate insecurity and lack of confidence in ones ability to lead.
-Abuse of power. This individual could be abusing their power for their own selfish endeavors or selfish gains.
Tips in a Reading
Look for signs of passion and enthusiasm in their creative pursuits.
Watch for signs of arrogance, impulsiveness, or a lack of direction that may need to be addressed.
Are they (or you, if reading for yourself) using their influence responsibly, or are they prone to abusing their power or manipulating others? (Reversed position tip).
As always, consider the surrounding cards and the overall context of the reading.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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