The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest moving Knight in the deck. However, because it is Earth energy, it is also the steadiest Knight, so you can count on this person to get to where they are going, no matter how long it may take them.

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Knight of Pentacles as a Person (Upright)
- Slow moving. As mentioned above, the Knight of Pentacles is the slowest moving Knight in the deck.
- Deliberate. This is a very methodical and deliberate person.
- Steady. No matter what the circumstances, and as slow moving as they may be, this person is steady, determined, and will absolutely get to where they are going.
- Dependable. This person is dependable. Nothing stops them.
Knight of Pentacles as a Person (Reversed)
When the Knight of Pentacles represents a person, but appears in the reversed position it can indicate several different things.
- Delays. This person could be experiencing delays in coming to a conclusion or moving forward in a stable way.
- Stubbornness. This individual could be avoiding progression in a particular matter.
- Lacking self discipline. In contrast to the upright Knight of Pentacles, the reversed position could indicate a person who is procrastinating, or lacks self-discipline in their day to day life.
Tips in a Reading
Remember that Knights of any suit are Messengers.
In the case of the Knight of Pentacles, and in terms of a specific person, this card is talking about the individuals dependability, steadiness, and intentions.
There is an element of speed (or lack there of in this case) to this card. Again, it cannot be understated that the Knight of Pentacles is in fact the slowest moving Knight in the entire deck of tarot. However, he is steady and his destination is final.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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