When the Page of Swords (Air energy) represents a person in a tarot reading, it typically embodies qualities of curiosity, intellect, and communication. Often, this card is associated with spying.
Page of Swords as a Person (Upright)
- Intellectual curiosity. This person could be curious or eager to learn. (This is why this card is often associated with spying).
- Independence. They may enjoy marching to the beat of their own drum.
Page of Swords as a Person (Reversed)
When the Page of Swords appears reversed to represent a person in a tarot reading, there are a few interpretations to consider, keeping in mind the context of the reading.
- Intellectual immaturity. They may exhibit immaturity or lack of intellectual depth.
- Struggle with focus. They may struggle with focusing their thoughts or understanding complex concepts.
- Shallow. They could be superficial or shallow.
- Dishonesty. This person may be using their intellect for the purposes of deception and manipulation.
Tips in a Reading
The Page of Swords often gets associated with spying or stalking, but the reason for this is because this Page is inquisitive.
This Page is trying to understand situations from a place of having little information, and he does what he feels is necessary to understand what is going on. This Page wants to understand.
That being said, often this Page does in fact represent and indicate full fledged spying and stalking, albeit online, driving by one's house, or by other means.
When interpreting The Page of Swords as a person in an actual tarot reading, it is important to pay attention to the surrounding cards to determine who this individual might represent.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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