When the Seven of Wands represents a person in a tarot reading, it typically portrays someone who embodies qualities of courage, resilience, and determination.
Seven of Wands as a Person (Upright)
-Protective. This person defends their beliefs and boundaries, no matter what.
-Courageous. The Seven of Wands person is creative, resilient, and determined, especially when it comes to the things they feel compelled to defend.
-They possess integrity. This person has a strong sense of justice and integrity. They never back down from challenges or threats to their principles.
Seven of Wands as a Person (Reversed)
When the Seven of Wands appears reversed as a person, it suggest someone is feeling overwhelmed, defensive, or unsure of themselves.
-Lack of boundaries. This individual may be struggling to maintain their boundaries or assert themselves.
-Lack of confidence. This person could be experiencing a lot of self doubt, resulting in hesitancy, meekness and lack of confidence.
-Confrontational. Depending on the surrounding cards, this card in reverse could alternatively indicate an aggressive person. They could present themselves as someone who is overly confrontational, aggressive, and overly defensive.
Tips in a Reading
-Encourage this person (or yourself if reading for yourself) to find balance, cultivate self-confidence, and approach conflicts with assertiveness rather than defensiveness.
-They (or you) may benefit from seeking support or guidance to navigate one's challenges more effectively.
Determine whether the person embodies the positive aspects of the Seven of Wands, such as assertiveness, courage, and standing up for their beliefs, or if they are displaying the negative aspects, such as defensiveness, aggression, or feeling overwhelmed by opposition.
Explore how the person (or you) establishes and maintains boundaries in their relationships and interactions.
Consider the person's (or your own) level of courage and resilience when facing adversity.
Evaluate how the person (or you) approaches conflict resolution.
Determine whether the person (or you) is standing up for their beliefs and values, even if it means going against the majority opinion or facing criticism.
Encourage the person (or yourself) to cultivate self-confidence, trust in one's abilities, and assertive communication skills to assert themselves confidently while remaining open to constructive feedback and collaboration.
By considering these tips, you can provide a nuanced interpretation of the Seven of Wands as a person in a tarot reading, empowering the querent (or you) to navigate challenges and conflicts with courage and resilience.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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