When the Ten of Wands appears to represent a person in a tarot reading, it signifies someone who is overwhelmed by responsibilities, burdens, and challenges.
Ten of Wands as a Person (Upright)
-An extremely overburdened person. This person is so incredibly overburdened it is difficult to even comprehend.
-Extremely overwhelmed. This person feels as though they are experiencing their maximum threshold of overwhelm.
-Taking all the responsibility. This individual takes on more, if not all of the responsibility in the area of focus.
-Weighed down. This person feels that they have taken on too much, and they are struggling to fulfill their obligations.
-At a breaking point. Despite their efforts to keep going, they may be nearing a breaking point and in need of support or assistance.
Ten of Wands as a Person (Reversed)
When the Ten of Wands appears reversed as a person in a tarot reading, it suggests that the individual is finally releasing the burdens and responsibilities that have been weighing them down.
-Burned out but taking steps. They may have reached a point of exhaustion or burnout and are now taking steps to lighten their load and prioritize their well-being.
-They've surrendered. This person may have realized that they cannot continue to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and are learning to delegate tasks, set boundaries, or let go of obligations that no longer serve them. While they may still have challenges to overcome, they are beginning to regain their strength and find relief from the overwhelming stress they were experiencing.
-Transition. Besides the number 10 resembling completion, this card in the reverse position is a wonderful example of someone who is letting go of what does not serve them to make room for the new.
Tips in a Reading
While the 10 of Wands can be interpreted as a negative card, keep in mind the positive aspects of this card:
- This is a completion of a very difficult time.
- Surrender brings transformation.
- This person is is finally letting go, and lightening their load in order to move forward.
Understand that the person (or you, if reading for yourself) is likely feeling burdened and overwhelmed by responsibilities, tasks, or obligations.
The individual (or you) may be shouldering a significant amount of responsibility, whether it's in their work, relationships, or personal life. They/you may feel like they have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Show empathy and offer support to the person (or yourself). There may be a need for encouragement or assistance in managing one's responsibilities or finding ways to lighten one's load.
Consider whether setting boundaries and learning to say no is necessary. They/you may need help prioritizing their tasks and focusing on what truly matters.
Explore the possibility of burnout. The person (or you) may be at risk of exhaustion if they continue to carry such a heavy burden for too long without relief.
Despite the challenges one is facing, acknowledge one's strength and resilience. They/you have the capacity to overcome obstacles and find solutions to problems.
Encourage the person (or yourself) to prioritize self-care and well-being. They/you may need to take breaks, delegate tasks, or seek support from others to prevent burnout.
If the person (or you) appears overwhelmed, explore the idea of releasing some burdens. Certain responsibilities or expectations may need to be released.
Remind the person (or yourself) that the burden they carry is not permanent. With time, effort, and support, they/you can lighten the load and find relief from the challenges they/you face.
By considering these tips, you can provide valuable insights and guidance to the querent (or yourself) as one navigates their journey with the energy of the Ten of Wands as a person.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings.
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