As an individual, The Hanged Man in tarot represents a person who defers an action or feeling.

The Hanged Man as a Person (Upright)
-Suspended action. This person suspends any action towards something or someone.
-Waiting. There is no simpler way to say this. This person is waiting.
The Hanged Man as a Person (Reversed)
In the reversed position, The Hanged Man as a person suggests someone who is sacrificing a significant amount of time while receiving nothing in return.
-End of a waiting period. This person may be emerging out of a waiting period.
-Ready to take action. This person is coming out of a hibernation period and ready to take action.
-Things no longer feel at a stand still. This person no longer feels stagnant about their next move.
Tips in a Reading
Keep in mind these cards are not gender-specific. It's about the Energy. They can all apply to male, or female, as we all hold both male and female energies ourselves.
The Hanging Man isn't gender-specific, this is about energy. It's a suspended energy so please remember that.
Always use your intuition, and feel free to leave any comments or questions below.
Love and blessings!
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